Garage Door Repair Terminology to Learn

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When your garage door is acting up, you may just leave it to a repair technician to fix, but it can be good to learn some terms and phrases used for the door and its parts. This can help you pinpoint the problem even before the repair tech arrives or know what parts will need replacing and what you may be facing by way of a repair bill. Ball bearing roller…

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The Four Types of Garage Door

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Thinking of replacing your current garage door with something that is more up to date and secure? Perhaps you are building a new garage and want a door that will fit in with the rest of the design? Either way, you will be faced with a choice of four different types of garage door. Each has certain advantages to weigh up before you make a decision. Which of the four styles of garage door will you opt for?…

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When Is It Time to Replace Your Home's Garage Door?

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Your home’s garage door may be one of the last things you think about when it comes to home repair and improvement, but that door is very important. An old door that doesn’t close securely can be pried open by thieves and intruders, and causes wear and tear on the opener and all other parts of the door. That older door may also allow cold air to make its way into your home or allow humidity to settle on lawn care equipment inside the garage, causing early rust to form.…

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